At Hazeltine
Relay for Life Aug 09
At Como Zoo
Como Zoo
Johns Rafting Trip
Kate At Jacks Soccer Game
Jack at Soccer
John and the kids

Hello Everyone!
It has been way too long since I have updated this blog! A lot has happened since October of last year! Where do I start?
I am 7 months pregnant. We are all very excited to welcome baby #3 to the family. It is a boy and we have no ideas for names. Any suggestions are welcome. I am due on Nov. 14th but because of my kidney situation he will be delivered on Oct. 20th via planned C section. Besides still getting sick on a regular basis (who thought morning sickness could last this long??!!) my health is good. We have had to put all cancer screening on hold during the pregnancy and the first scan will take place 3 months after I deliver. So we are keeping our fingers crossed that the cancer hasn't returned. August 15th was the one year anniversary of my cancer surgery. I am officially a one year cancer survivor. On Aug 7th, I was the keynote speaker at the Relay for Life. It is a cancer fundraiser. I was flattered to be asked to speak. Hopefully I did a good job. I am not the public speaker of the family. It was a great experience and I was proud to be a part of it. Other than that, things are about the same around here. I keep quite busy chasing the kids around from morning til night. I have been lucky to do some traveling since October. In November, John and I went to Paris. It was amazing and very romantic! I love it there, now I know what all the fuss is about. In January, my mom, sisters and I took a Caribbean Cruise. We girls had a really great time! In February, John surprised me with a secret trip to Las Vegas. It was a Valentines Day Trip. We had an incredible time.
John is great. He is still busy at work which is great considering the economy. He has been playing a lot of golf this summer. He also took an amazing trip to the Grand Canyon with his family. They went white water rafting down the Colorado River. They had an amazing time...a trip of a lifetime. I was supposed to go but cancelled because I was 6 months pregnant. Besides work and golf, John is very busy with the kids. He has been great about lightening my load during the pregnancy.
The kids are great, growing like weeds! Jack will be 4 next month. He starts preschool this fall. He is more active than ever! He loves to be outside riding his bike, going swimming, playing golf or soccer, or just running like a wild animal. He is a little boy and that is what they do. Kate will be 2 at the end of October. She does everything Jack does. She is the prefect combination of Princess and Tom Boy! She is more of a daredevil than Jack ever was. They are both really good kids. They are funny, smart, curious, kind, generous, active, crazy kids. Did I mention how cute they are? I think they are amazing...even though they test my patience on a very regular basis.