Jacks New Room

Gaga, Jack, Becky, and Kate at Underwater Adventures.
It has been a big week. Kate finally rolled over on Friday! Now she is a pro. She rolls from her back to her front. Once she is on her belly, she doesn't really know what to do with herself. But she seems proud to be able to do it.
Last weekend we converted Jack's bedroom into a big boy room. He now has a full sized bed. He really likes it but we are still having trouble keeping him in it at bedtime. I guess that will come with time. He loves his big boy sheets with fire trucks on them and his sheets with trucks on them.
Monday night John and I took the kids to Chuck E Cheese. It was a lot of fun. Jack loved it. We had pizza for dinner and played a lot of games. It was like Las Vegas for kids. Jack loves seeing all of the other kids. It was a lot of fun watching him figure out the games and collecting his tickets. It took forever to cash in all of his tickets for prizes. It was a big decision but we ended up getting a Chuck E Cheese balloon and and a ton of tootsie rolls. He was happy. Kate just hung out in the Baby Bjorn and took in the sights. She was quite happy to watch her brother.
Wednesday my mom and I took the kids to Underwater Adventures at the Mall of America. Jack loved it there! One of his favorite things is sharks (right now, anyway). He really enjoyed seeing all of the fish and sharks swimming around. It is still amazing to me that he can identify so many different animals all by himself. He was pointing out Hammerhead sharks and stingray. I was shocked and surprised. His memory is like a steel trap! After walking thru the aquarium Jack played in a sand box with some other kids for a while. He had a great time. After Underwater Adventures we walked thru Nickelodeon Adventures Park (formerly Camp Snoopy). Jack loves to watch all of the rides and people watch. He isn't really big enough to do much there but he sure loves to look around. When it was time to go home he threw a world class tantrum. One of the worst ones I have ever seen. He was screaming and crying, his body went all limp, he was swinging his arms and legs. It was awful. It takes a lot as a parent not to loose it in those situations. Somehow I held it together and got him strapped in the car seat. He was way over tired and it was passed his nap time. He fell asleep on the way home but only slept for about 20 minutes. so, needless to say he was very pleasant that evening too! To make matters worse, John was out of town so I had to handle it all alone! Oh well, we got thru it. John got home Thursday night and Jack was very happy to see him. We got some snow so we all went out and played in it on Friday and Saturday. All things considered it was a very fun week.